´ÙàÇÍÃìªÑè¹àµçÁ : [PC] Masquerada: Songs and Shadows [6-PART] [MEGA]

15th October 2016, 21:46
[PC GAME] [6-PART] Masquerada: Songs and Shadows



Navigate the masked deceptions and deadly magic of a vividly Venetian city in this fully voiced pause-for-tactics RPG.

In the turmoil-ridden Citte della Ombre, religion holds no sway. Only the songs sung of one’s deeds will carry an Ombrian’s legacy beyond death. Those who hold even the smallest morsel of power will make every effort to ensure their songs live on. Enter the Mascherines - masks that grant their wielders the power to channel the elements and cast destructive magic.

The Mascherines have perpetuated a culture of inequality between the power-hungry guildsmen known as the Masquerada and the impoverished lower classes, the Contadani. A prolonged civil war, ignited by Contadani rebels who steal Mascherines from the Masquerada, has only drawn scars of mistrust across the Citte since.

One of Ombre’s finest sleuths, Cicero Gavar, was exiled for a crime against the state five years ago, but he is now summoned back to Ombre to solve the mysterious kidnapping of the diplomat Razitof Azrus. As other members of the Masquerada join his investigation, all having their doubts about one another within this culture of deception, their faith will be pushed to the limit as a deeper conspiracy lurks in the shadows of Ombre.










OS: Windows 7
Processor: 2.4GHz Intel Core i3
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4400
Storage: 16 GB available space


MEGA (http://binbox.io/dWXBI#ARgGFRZW)

Update v1.11-CODEX 4.63GB
MEGA (http://shink.in/xiYSA)
CRACK (http://shink.in/uBNbd)

The Original Soundtrack + Patch v1.11

1 November – Xinhuan
We’ve continued working on changes and bug fixes to improve the experience of Masquerada for everyone! This week, we also want to announce the release of the Masquerada Original Soundtrack by our composer Josh Whelchel, a 40-track musical tour de force enjoyed by a great many of you during the course of the game. Grab it as a DLC or tell your friends about the new Game + Soundtrack bundle!
Check out the following changes that’ve made their way into this week’s patch.
v1.11 Patch Notes (1st November 2016)
Gameplay changes
Added an option to allow players to close the Party Select menu in most locations.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug with the boss fight in the Seimora’s Throne Basement where some of the summoned apparitions do not home in towards the boss.
Fixed a bug where “The Randagia” Codex Entry was visible but unobtainable at the Camps Combined.
Fixed a bug where Vasco fires projectiles while playing his flute during a cutscene in The Astiguary.
Fixed a bug introduced in v1.10 where Tristan can be seen observing Palov and Cicero’s brawl in The Pale Isle.
Fixed a bug where some Ridiro Fey in the Misted Aisles cannot be affected by certain skills.
Fixed a bug with players floating in the air after using Tradewinds on Ridiro Fey in The Assemblea, Repository.
Fixed an incorrect description for Sorelle’s Ward.
Fixed a bug where players can cast Tradewinds and displace allies from the rock slab in The Sunken Star, Vault. You can no longer leave anyone behind. Nice try, though.
Fixed several skills AI options in the party behaviour menu.
Fixed collider issues.
Fixed environment FX.
Fixed NPC character walk speeds so that they do not appear to be sliding.
Fixed a bug where characters might slide when walking during a conversation.
Fixed a bug with skills that are meant to acquire targets randomly but do not end up actually doing so, and instead acquire the first target.
Fixed certain singular horses that were missing shadows.
Fixed issue with Grotesque sound effect being delayed.
Fixed issue with Quagmire and Sorelle’s Whirlpool sound loops not ending.
Fixed issue with missing sound effect for Scarab’s Cant.
Fixed Stampede and Clarity masks not being instant cast (was 1 second).
Skill telegraphs no longer disappear when the player uses the mouse to hover over the skill bar while using a controller to play.
Improved the accuracy of the telegraph and ability radius for Sorelle’s Ward.
FX Improvements for Guardian’s Redoubt, Sorelle’s Ward, Tremor, Void, Tidal Wall.
Updated Whispering Streets background music.

¤ÅÔ¡! (http://zonicdl.blogspot.com/)

18th October 2016, 15:45

21st November 2016, 13:14
Update v1.11-CODEX