ดูเวอร์ชั่นเต็ม : DRAGON BALL Z MUGEN EDITION 2

1st October 2017, 06:56
https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/-32k6iQ7jYnWc6LQF9qgmGD5TxEpQ9CE7TWr7v_rcSv0iYW0Ct6OX8ewaE5FZ4ClVyFew6KoSiGzFx0=s0-d (https://xn--pc-lqi5ea3fzap5af9e2iwa3li.blogspot.com/2016/08/pc-dragon-ball-z-mugen-edition-2.html)

The first serious Dragon Ball game based on MUGEN engine. Many years ago, it has provided a lot of joy to fans of Dragon Ball throughout the world. Countless additional characters, maps, sounds, build entire games. It all started just from DBZ Mugen Edition 2. Certainly one of the most important fan made programs in the history for any fan of Goku and his friends.
