ดูเวอร์ชั่นเต็ม : Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.0 (build 16.8.30709.132)

12th November 2020, 21:13

Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.0 (build 16.8.30709.132) | 38.1 Gb
Product: Microsoft Visual Studio
Version: 2019 version 16.8.0 (build 16.8.30709.132)
Supported Architectures: 32bit / 64bit
Website Home Page : www.visualstudio.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 38.1 Gb
The Microsoft development team is pleased to announce the availability of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.0. This release not only includes the bug fixes and security updates that are common on Patchday, but also official support for .NET 5 and other components such as C # in version 9.0 and F # in version 5.0. But with this release, Microsoft has also paid special attention to .NET developers.

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.0 - Date: November 10, 2020

- F# 5 is now released alongside .NET 5
- Performance improvements and fixes for Visual Studio tooling via F# Tools version 11.0.0
- Full release notes available on GitHub

- C++20 Coroutines are now supported under /std:c++latest and the header.
- IntelliSense now provides support for C++20 and headers, and rename and browsing for concept definitions.
- Our STL now has support for the majority of C++20 Ranges.
- Conditionally trivial special member functions are now supported in MSVC.
- C11 and C17 are now supported under the /std:c11 and /std:c17 switches.
- Additional STL improvements include full support for std::atomic_ref, std::midpoint and std::lerp and std::execution::unseq, optimizations for std::reverse_copy, and more.
- Upgraded version of CMake shipped with Visual Studio to CMake 3.18.
- Our code analysis tools now support the SARIF 2.1 standard: the industry standard static analysis log format.
- Missing build tools in Linux projects will now issue a warning in the toolbar and a clear description of the missing tools in the error list.
- You can now debug Linux core dumps on a remote Linux system or WSL directly from Visual Studio.
- For C++ Doxygen comment generation, we added additional comment style options (/*! and //!).
- Additional vcpkg announcements
- Compiler support for lambdas in unevaluated contexts
- /debug:full link performance improved by multi-threading pdb creation. Several large applications and AAA games see between 2 to 4 times faster linking.
- The Visual Studio debugger now has support for char8_t.
- Support for ARM64 projects using clang-cl.
- Intel AMX intrinsics support.

- .NET Core Linux core dump debugging support
- .NET and .NET Core Auto Analysis
- .NET and .NET Core memory hot path auto analysis

Experimental Razor Editor Updates:
- Blazor light bulbs
- C# light bulbs
- Enhanced Razor formatting
- Rename Razor components in markup from .razor files
- Go-to-definition on Blazor component tag namespace
- C# hover colorization
- C# completion toolitip colorization
- Go-to-definition/implementation for Razor, including closed files
- Find All References in closed Razor files
- Improved Razor editing preformance and stability for large projects and solutions

Fakes with SDK Style Projects:
- When using the new Fakes support for SDK style projects some users encountered the following error when generating shims

Git Productivity:
- Learn more about how to use all the Git features in our new online documentation
- Open the Git Repository window at any time through the Git Changes window, the View menu, and the Status bar
- Fetch, Pull, and Push from multiple remotes in the Git Changes window
- View success and error messages for Git commands at the top of the Git Repository window
- Create a new branch from an Azure DevOps work item
- Open a Git repository from a list of your local repositories in the Git menu
- The default source control provider is now Git instead of TFVC
- Single click to switch between branch histories in the Git Repository window
- View and select from a list of solutions in Solution Explorer after opening a repository
- Modify the history view and search for commits through a tool bar in the Git Repository window
- Fetch, pull, and push from the incoming and outgoing commits sections in the history graph of a branch
- Get prompted to create a pull request after pushing a branch to your remote
- View branch names in the merge and rebase commands in the branch list context menu
- Access Git commands through the context menu in Solution Explorer and the Editor
- Observe clone progress through a new modal dialog with the option to move the process to the background

- Get personalized IntelliCode completions in Visual Studio documentation
- Keep your IntelliCode completions up-to-date with your codebase and share as part of your team's CI workflow documentation

.NET Productivity:
- Roslyn analyzers are now included in the .NET 5.0 SDK
- Refactoring that introduces the new C# 9 not pattern matching syntax when a suppression operator is present
- Inline method refactoring to help replace usages of static, instance, and extension method within a single statement body
- Code fix to convert instances of typeof to nameof in C# and GetType to NameOf in Visual Basic
- C# and Visual Basic support for inline parameter name hints that inserts adornments for literals, casted literals, and object instantiations prior to each argument in function calls
- Refactoring that extracts members from a selected class to a new base class in both C# and Visual Basic
- Code cleanup has new configuration options that can apply formatting and file header preferences set in your EditorConfig file across a single file or an entire solution
- Code fix to remove the in keyword where the argument should not be passed by reference
- Refactoring that introduces the new C#9 pattern combinators and pattern matching suggestions such as converting == to use is where applicable
- Code fix to make a class abstract when you are trying to write an abstract method in a class that is not abstract
- IntelliSense completion in DateTime and TimeSpan string literals automatically appear when the first quote is typed
- Code fix to remove unnecessary pragma suppressions and unnecessary SuppressMessageAttributes
- Rename and Find All References understands references to symbols within the target string of global SuppressMessageAttributes
- ByVal fades to say it's not necessary along with a code fix to remove the unnecessary ByVal in Visual Basic
- Interactive window support for multiple runtimes, such as .NET Framework and .NET Core.
- Added a new RegisterAdditionalFileAction API that allows analyzer authors to create an analyzer for additional files.

Visual Studio 2019 IDE:
- Add your Github account using the account management experience
- In this release, the legacy Find in Files experience has been deprecated and all users are being moved to the new experience. The Editor team is working with folks who leave feedback in Developer Community who are experiencing issues with the modern Find in Files experience.
- The ClickOnce publish provider is now available for .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.0 Windows Desktop Apps.

XAML Tools (WPF, UWP, & Xamarin.Forms):
- XAML Binding Failures diagnostic improvements
- XAML Hot Reload Settings moved to "Debugging > Hot Reload"
- Toolbox population from unreferenced NuGet packages

- The JavaScript/TypeScript debugger now supports debugging service workers, web workers, iFrames, and your page JavaScript all at the same time! In addition, the new debugging experience adds support for debugging your back-end node server applications and client-side JavaScript in the browser simultaneously. This feature is still experimental. You can enable the new debugging experience in the Debugging options menu
- You can now trigger refactors anywhere they might be available by using the code action shortcut (ctrl + .). You don't even need to select any text - TypeScript is now smart enough to look around your cursor location for the best available refactors!
- You can now fine tune which packages TypeScript searches for automatic import completion. This can lead to performance improvements in some projects with a lot of dependencies. For more details, please reference the TypeScript 4.0 (release notes)[
- We added a message in the output pane showing which types we install to support intellisense. We recommend adding a tsconfig to your project to customize which types are used.
- Please note we include the TypeScript 4.0 compiler and language service

Microsoft has released version 16.8 of the next function update for Visual Studio 2019 during .NET Conf 2020. The new version not only includes the bug fixes and security updates that are common on Patchday, but also official support for .NET 5 and other components such as C # in version 9.0 and F # in version 5.0. But with this release, Microsoft has also paid special attention to .NET developers.

The experimental Razor editor has been provided with some new functions, with which various optimizations have been made in conjunction with C # and minor improvements such as an improved Razor formatting have been integrated. The debugger has been expanded to include new options for .NET Auto Analysis and now also supports .NET Core Linux core dump debugging. The productivity functions for .NET developers have been greatly expanded, and XAML has seen some improvements. The diagnostic features for binding failures have been revised, while the XAML Code Editor has been expanded to include better MVVM support and support for IntelliSense in WinUI 3.0.

Independent of .NET, C ++ has also been expanded with further features of the new C ++ 20 standard with this release, and CMake has been updated to version 3.18 and the code analysis tools now support the SARIF 2.1 standard. Microsoft has also revised and expanded the Git integration in Visual Studio 2019 in many places. In addition, users can now also store their GitHub accounts in the IDE themselves and the ClickOnce Publish Provider is now also available for Windows desktop apps based on .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.1.

XAML Data Binding Diagnostic Improvements (Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8)

Microsoft Corporation, leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications. The company also publishes books and multimedia titles, offers e-mail services, and sells electronic game systems, computer peripherals (input/output devices), and portable media players. It has sales offices throughout the world.

Product: Microsoft Visual Studio
Version: 2019 version 16.8.0 (build 16.8.30709.132)
Supported Architectures: 32bit / 64bit
Website Home Page : www.visualstudio.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 38.1 Gb

Visual Studio 2019 will install and run on the following operating systems (64 bit recommended):

- Windows 10 version 1703 or higher: Home, Professional, Education, and Enterprise (LTSC and S are not supported)
- Windows Server 2019: Standard and Datacenter
- Windows Server 2016: Standard and Datacenter
- Windows 8.1 (with Update 2919355): Core, Professional, and Enterprise
- Windows Server 2012 R2 (with Update 2919355): Essentials, Standard, Datacenter
- Windows 7 SP1 (with latest Windows Updates): Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate
- CPU:1.8 GHz or faster processor. Quad-core or better recommended
- Memory:2 GB of RAM; 8 GB of RAM recommended (2.5 GB minimum if running on a virtual machine)
- Hard disk space: Minimum of 800MB up to 210 GB of available space, depending on features installed; typical installations require 20-50 GB of free space.
- Hard disk speed: to improve performance, install Windows and Visual Studio on a solid state drive (SSD).
- GPU:Video card that supports a minimum display resolution of 720p (1280 by 720); Visual Studio will work best at a resolution of WXGA (1366 by 768) or higher.
Additional Requirements:
- Administrator rights are required to install Visual Studio.
- .NET Framework 4.5 is required to install Visual Studio. Visual Studio requires .NET Framework 4.7.2, which will be installed during setup.
- Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC edition, Windows 10 S and Windows 10 Team Edition are not supported for development. You may use Visual Studio 2019 to build apps that run on Windows 10 LTSC, Windows 10 S and Windows 10 Team Edition.
- Internet Explorer 11 or Edge is required for internet-related scenarios. Some features might not work unless these, or a later version, are installed.
- For Hyper-V emulator support, A supported 64-bit operating system is required. A processor that supports Client Hyper-V and Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) is also required.
- For Android Emulator support, a supported processor and operating system is required.
- Universal Windows app development, including designing, editing, and debugging, requires Windows 10. Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2012 R2 may be used to build Universal Windows apps from the command line.
- The Server Core and Minimal Server Interface options are not supported when running Windows Server.
- Running Visual Studio 2019 (Professional, Community, and Enterprise) in Windows containers is not supported.
- Team Foundation Server 2019 Office Integration requires Office 2016, Office 2013, or Office 2010.
- Xamarin.Android requires a 64-bit edition of Windows and the 64-bit Java Development Kit (JDK).
- PowerShell 3.0 or higher is required on Windows 7 SP1 to install the Mobile Development with C++, -JavaScript, or .NET workloads.

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