ดูเวอร์ชั่นเต็ม : [PC] Recoil เปิดสงครามระหว่างรถถัง สุดเจ๋ง [35.51MB ]

3rd April 2012, 16:57
http://image.ohozaa.com/i/b1d/pCS4se.jpg (http://image.ohozaa.com/view2/vZp9ZQpZT44xXi24)
http://image.ohozaa.com/i/b1d/FB3itt.jpg (http://image.ohozaa.com/view2/vZpa0coGaIHCHwsg) http://image.ohozaa.com/i/702/3WZWMg.jpg (http://image.ohozaa.com/view2/vZpa0coGaqDaQlt6) http://image.ohozaa.com/i/6e6/V4x0X4.jpg (http://image.ohozaa.com/view2/vZpa0ynmsiS6cioE) http://image.ohozaa.com/i/c53/7Rdvdu.jpg (http://image.ohozaa.com/view2/vZpa0Um2JQtb4JIQ)

As Recoil opens, it's the first part of the 21st century and technology giant Mega Corp dominates all as the country's largest employer with a downtrodden workforce brainwashed by the very PCs to which they are chained. Alas, Mega Corp finds even the zombies too much of a drain on their resources and opts to replace them with clones while eliminating the human race altogether. It is your destiny to right these wrongs, together with a group of free thinkers who have obtained remote control access of a state-of-the-art experimental tank and a window to the late 20th century where history can be rewritten should you be triumphant. Battling six campaigns won't be easy, but with a tank equipped with dual-pulse guns, cannons, mine launchers, missiles, and the like, at least you have half a chance.

ดาวส์โหลดไฟล์ ---> DOWNLOAD (http://adf.ly/6zxt5)

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Credit : http://babaload.blogspot.com/

4th April 2012, 17:33
>< ขอบคุณน๊าจ๊าา !!!