ดูเวอร์ชั่นเต็ม : [PC] Silent Hill 4: The Room [497.61MB ]

2nd May 2012, 13:13
http://upic.me/i/j3/f5qu1.jpg (http://upic.me/show/35226356) http://upic.me/i/yx/xmil2.jpg (http://upic.me/show/35226357) http://upic.me/i/a4/44kv3.jpg (http://upic.me/show/35226358) http://upic.me/i/vl/8frz4.jpg (http://upic.me/show/35226361) http://upic.me/i/7p/rus55.jpg (http://upic.me/show/35226362) http://upic.me/i/17/7xc76.jpg (http://upic.me/show/35226364)

Henry Townshend finds himself trapped in his apartment that has been cursed by a deeply rooted evil. Only by exploring mysterious portals leading to disturbing alternate worlds will Henry begin to uncover the truth. However, in true Silent Hill fashion, mysterious new characters, horrendous creatures, and the undead will use any means necessary to impede his progress. Silent Hill 4: The Room features a terrifying experience that fans and newcomers will never forget.

DOWNLOAD THIS FILE ----> Click Here (http://adf.ly/835sY)

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Credit : http://babaload.blogspot.com/

2nd May 2012, 15:53
เวรกำมันคือ Demo ครับ :sweat

2nd May 2012, 16:34
ภาคนี้ออกปีไหนอะครับ นึกว่า Ps2