Soul at Stake

Soul at Stake is an oriental-themed 1v4 surviving horror game. There would be a great deal of money that would go on and on. All the participants only need one stake - their souls. In the strange and lifeless scene, four gamblers are trying to get away from the devil, but there is no exit. All they can do is perform a mystery sealing ritual to expel the devil and redeem their souls.

A Tempting Gamble
No one knows this soul-gambling game is nothing but a hoax made by a ghost called Xi'E (from In Search of the Supernatural, Jin Dynasty). Ghost Xi'E is evil in its nature yet not powerful and unable to perform. It uses the greed in people and lures them to play this cruel soul-gambling game after game.Ghost Xi'E uses its unique power to build dreams, turning the gambling game into a small illusion, luring the participants in it. For those who are inside this illusion, this gambling game is nothing but a real killing game. They will be hunted by devils during the escape, and Ghost Xi'E would conjure many of them to those who devil those who are imprisoned by Ghost Xi'E.
Cheated by Ghost Xi'E, gamblers join the game one by one, which keeps the game alive. However, no one will actually win except for the Ghost.

At Unfair Competition
Without exceptions, all the gamblers put their souls at stake. They are dragged into the illusion in groups of four. Devil, who seems to be outnumbered, yet the gamblers are poorer under the threats of the devil. All they can do is collect cards, break the seal and read the devil. Ghost Xi'E's tricks so haunt the devil so that it can never directly catch the prices in order to rouse the killing thirst inside them. The devil must wisely use his powerful pursuit ability to catch and execute the gamblers, or else become dust.

Gamblers with Different Desires
Every gambler who comes to this game is a living soul. They all come here with different purposes, some have lost their loved ones and want to regain their youth, beauty and their lives; some runs away from crimes and wants to make the final struggle here; some are innocent and naive, only to be tricked to come here; some come here for brothers, willing to sacrifice for others. However, no matter who they are and what their purposes are, in the eyes of Ghost Xi'E, they are nothing but souls and something to play with.

The Cruel and Wronged Devils
Ghost Xi'E collected countless wronged spirits and transformed them into cruel devils. With the power of resentment, each devils possesses a unique and despairing power.

Charming Oriental Scenes
Ghost Xi'E builds illusions one by one based on reality world so they're too real for one to see the truth. A plagued abandoned train station where heavy bangs and cracking can be heard in the wind. A hundred years old palace that is so deserted, terrible can be heard during the midnight. A far away Hakka Tulou that was cursed due to a terrible ghost wedding has lost its peace. In these real and helped unreal scenes, gamblers have forgotten the real world.

The Stake-redeemed items
In every gamble, the gamblers can get stakes via sealing the cardholders while the devil via catching and killing gamblers. This senseless stakes gave both parties the hopes to win and rouse their greed. The stakes can be redeemed for all surviving and hunting items from Ghost Xi'E. Beneath these hopes are nothing but the tricks of the demon who only wants to feed on people's essence and energy.

The Game of Souls
In countless gambles, the gamblers and the devils explore and learn from each other. As a gambler, one must decide whether to focus on the cardholders or help the injured teammates, or escape by items or only on oneself. As a devil, one must decide whether to hunt or wait for gamblers to come to you, whether to chase or sneak attack. Each encounter is a game, and every choice might endanger your soul. It is a game of souls after all, and the stake is your life.

The Inflated Desires
In order to solve all the participants, Ghost Xi'E uses many ways to assist the growth of gamblers and devils. In order to win more gambles, the gamblers and the devils must be able to play the game. This is for filling the bottomless greed, so simply for surviving.
