
Minecraft is an indie open world game created by the Swedish programmer Markus "Notch" Persson and his company Mojang, which in September 2014 for 2.5 billion dollars (about 1.9 billion euros) by the Microsoft Group was purchased, [15] published and further developed. The game was released on May 10, 2009 for the PC, but was then still in the development phase, which included the alpha and beta, as well as a few other versions. Mojang released additional versions for iOS, Android and the Raspberry Pi. [7] Porting to the consoles was developed in collaboration with 4J Studios. Almost all versions of Minecraft receive regular updates. With sales of all Minecraft versions, the game has sold more than 120 million copies, 17 making it one of the best-selling video games in the world.

In the game, the player can build constructions of mostly cubic blocks in a 3D world. In addition, the player can explore this world, collect resources, fight monsters, and process the blocks to other items. Minecraft has two major gameplay modes: the Survival mode, where the player must collect resources and has a health bar, and the Creative mode, where there is no health and the player has unlimited resources.
