DEAD STATE: เป็นเกมแนว Turn-based zombie RPG ที่มีมุมมองเกมแบบ Isometric โดยสามารถปรับเปลี่ยนมุมมองได้ โดยรูปแบบเกมเพลย์ในเกมนี้ จะมีรูปแบบการเดิมหรือเกมเพลย์ที่แทบจะไม่ต่างจากเกมเก่าอย่าง Fallout หรือ XCOM เท่าไรนัก ซึ่งทั้งสองเกมที่ว่ามาก็ใช้ระบบ Grid system ในการเดินเหมือนกัน ภายในเกมจะเน้นการเอาชีวิตรอดโดยเราจะสามารถควบคุมตัวละครของเราได้เพียงตัวเดียวเท่านั้น แต่จุดที่น่าสนใจของเกมนี้คือ ลูกเล่นของระบบเสียง ซึ่งระบบเสียงนี้จะมีผลต่อการเล่นเป็นอย่างมาก หากไปเผลออะไรทำเสียงดังๆ รับรองว่าซอมบี้ได้แห่เข้ามาฉีกร่างเราแน่นอน โดยอาวุธที่เอาไว้ต่อกรกับซอมบี้ภายในเกมนี้จะมีตั้งแต่มีดพร้าจนไปถึงปืนเลยทีเดียว และศัตรูภายในเกมนี้นอกจากจะมีซอมบี้แล้ว จะยังมีผู้รอดชีวิตคนอื่นที่ต้องมาแย่งชิงทรัพยากรที่หามาได้ยากยิ่งของเรา (โดยเฉพาะอาหาร) แน่นอนว่าสำหรับเกมที่เป็น RPG โดยพื้นฐานจะต้องมีระบบสกิล แต่สำหรับเกม Dead State นี้การฆ่าศัตรูนั้นไม่ได้ให้ค่าสกิลพอยท์แต่อย่างใด แต่ถ้าเราไปขุดคุ้ยหาทรัพยากรหรือการทำเควสอะไรพวกนี้จะให้ค่าตอบแทนเป็นสกิลพอยท์แทนครับ จึงนับได้ว่าเกมนี้ไม่ใช่เกมที่จะเดินหน้าฆ่าฟันอย่างเดียว แต่เราต้องเล่นอย่างชาญฉลาดและวางแผนอีกด้วยครับ
Publisher: DoubleBear Productions
Developer: DoubleBear Productions
Genre: Early Access, Indie, RPG, Strategy
Language: English
About the Game:
Dead State is a compelling, high-tension survival RPG set at the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. As society is beginning to fall apart, the player must organize a scant handful of allies, working on fortifying a shelter, scouting for food and supplies, making uncertain alliances with others, and attempting to hold together a group as humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. A full-fledged RPG featuring shelter building and management, turn-based tactical combat, and reactive story and dialogue with an emphasis on survival at any cost. Attract new allies, scavenge food and supplies, and protect your shelter at any cost. Do you have what it takes to lead a desperate group through a crisis? This is your chance to find out.
System Requirements:
Homepage -

Update History:
Update v0.8.1.4039:
- Added a brand new status effect: poison! Scientists alter their weapons with harmful chemical agents. Every point of science skill increases your chance to cause the poison effect on human enemies.
- Added several thrown & placed weapons: firecracker, mine, noisemaker, grenade, incendiary grenade, tear gas, nerve gas, and bola. These weapons are still being balanced. They can be found in a few loot containers in different areas.
- Added a summary screen upon return to the shelter that recaps found items and shows auto-stocked items.
- Added facing bonuses.
- Fixed the weight restrictions on carrying capacity to work correctly(!).
- Fixed an issue with save/load not preserving health status.
- Fixed an issue where enemies occasionally spawned on top of occupied squares.
- Fixed blind status to remain active for 45 seconds after combat ends.
- Fixed an issue where bleeding effect still occurred even when armor absorbed all damage
- Fixed an issue where thrown weapons cost 0 AP. They now cost 4 AP to use.
- Fixed issues with loot on the Coyotes supermarket level not being accessible.
- Fixed an issue where multiple custom character names were showing up in list on shelter inventory.
- Fixed an issue where fence goal was not counted as completed if fixed on Day 1.
- Fixed an issue where animation stopped being updated after knockdown with bleeding.
- Hid the job board on Day 1 for gameplay/story intro reasons.
- Fixed an issue where shelter loot was maximized.
- Fixed an issue where recurring goals reflected total end goal rather than milestone goals.
- Fixed a container that couldnt be looted in Mason Supermarket.
- Fixed an issue where door frame sizes and doors were mismatched.
- Fixed a container that couldnt be looted in Human Campsite.
- Fixed a container that couldnt be looted in Llano Commercial.
- Fixed an issue where filter tabs on inventory became disabled after use.
- Added resisted damage to the information reported in the message box.
- Added missing reload sounds for several weapons.
- Fixed additional Daily Results Screen calculation issues.
- Fixed an issue where the crossbow disappeared after being fired.
- Fixed an issue where the same undead model was spawned by noise.
- Fixed a container that couldnt be looted in Undead Attack random encounter.
- Fixed an issue where characters occasionally floated around on their backs and no longer showed animations.
- Fixed an issue where passing the mouse cursor over someone when attempting to heal would change the cursor to attack.
- Changed the blind status to now give -30% to hit chance and -30% to evade.
- Changed the arm sprain status to now give -10% to hit chance. It is still a long-term status.
- Changed the leg sprain status to now give -10% to evade chance. It is still a long-term status.
- Fixed bulky armor to now subtract an AP from the wearer as intended by design.
- Fixed special weapons such as stun gun and pepper spray so that their limited charges were working by design.
- Fixed a bug where characters would come back to life from bleeding status effect.
- Fixed a bug where allies spoke an incorrect bark upon death of ally.
- Fixed a bug where critical chance was not being figured into attacks appropriately.
Update v0.8.1.393:
Character creation system added
Goals system added
Player and ally experience added
Combat bark functionality added
Ambient sound system added
Three new maps added
Inter-party dialogue no longer occurs when out on a scavenging mission
Fixed morale bonus appearing twice on DRS
Fixed issue where food found and fuel found bonuses were not applied correctly
Fixed issue with DRS showing unnecessary/redundant information
Fixed an issue where KOed characters did not turn if killed by the undead
Fixed an issue with saving on dialogue triggers causing crash
Fixed the black screen issue
Fixed a harvesting-related exploit Saving during dialogue is now disabled.
Fixed an issue where splitting ammo stack between two characters caused one pile to be destroyed
Trade screen fixed so initiating character is on left, character clicked is on right.
Unique items now sort to the Unique tab correctly
Fixed an issue where pressing Esc. while split stack GUI was up caused the inventory to fail to open upon returning to game
Fixed an issue where pressing Esc. while character selector on trade screen was selected caused trade screen to fail to open upon returning to game
Fixed an issue where random encounters persisted on the map after reloading while inside random encounter level
Fixed an issue where saving and reloading in a random encounter level lost player position on the map
Revamped loot creation and distribution system.
Two new levels and a new random encounter level added Fixed an issue where areas appeared over harvesting and fishing locations
Fixed an issue where harvesting zones were marked as harvested in a reloaded game
Fixed an issue where harvesting zones disappeared after exiting and reloading game
Spawn rates and noise variables have been adjusted
Capped noise that can be generated in a single square
Known Issues with Update;
Combat bark variety is limited right now and allies share same set of barks with enemies; may be expanded in a future update
Portraits and models in the CCS are temporary placeholders using future ally assets.
Crossbow model disappears after firing
Perks are not active in this release, may be added in a future update
Update v0.8.1.386:
- Added random encounter functionality and ten random encounter maps
- Added harvesting and harvesting locations on the area map
- Added fishing locations on the map (fishing pole item is not in current build, but well see about patching that in soon)
- Added ally inventory management on shelter storage screen
- Added healing over time for characters inside shelter
- Added a button on the job board to pass time
- Added GUI for choosing # of parts that are assigned towards repairing fence, and made them be used immediately, and refunds parts if everyone is removed from task
- Fixed a crash that reported none of the directions match
- Fixed a soft lock happening during zombie movement
- Fixed a soft lock that occurred when loading a save from the main menu
- Fixed an issue where a zombies turn would be skipped
- Fixed an issue where zombies would get up after knocking someone down, move to another square, and then feast on empty square
- Fixed an issue where zombies wandered a bit before moving to enemy
- Fixed a soft lock occurring in the code related to allies following player
- Fixed noise so that it degrades over time more appropriately
- Fixed a bug where fence repair progress was lost if you left the shelter after assigning a job and returned before the job was completed
- Corrected spelling of Abilene on area map
- Fixed issue where knockback after knockdown caused zombies to feast on an empty square
- Fixed an issue where bodies T-posed upon returning to a visited place
- Fixed a soft lock where console reported teleporters graph has too few nodes
- Fixed problems with drag & drop functionality on inventory screens
- Fixed issue where hitting Esc. while in inventory screen took you to menu instead of exiting GUI
- Fixed a crash bug that occurred when attempting to quick save in shelter inventory
- Fixed a soft lock occurring when stunned / downed enemy was surrounded
- Fixed a bug where reloading a save incremented the counter on # of visits to an area
- Fixed a crash where reloading a save after dying from exhaustion crashed the game
- Fixed a bug where morale-reducing items are automatically stocked
- Fixed some blocking issues
- Fixed a bug where medical items (gauze, painkillers) could be equipped directly rather than loaded in satchel
- Other small fixes here and there
Update v0.8.1.3792:
- Fixed the issue with not being able to exit the end of day screen in 768 height resolution.

DEAD STATE : THE FIRST SEVEN DAYS (Steam Early Access) v0.8.1.4039 [Update 3] - (ALI213) [แพทอัพเดท; June 27th, 2014] | 592.92 MB ***ตัวใหม่ล่าสุด***
*หมายเหตุ* ท่านไหนที่เปิดเข้าเกมแล้วขึ้น Error เข้าเกมไม่ได้ ให้ทำการติดตั้งไฟล์ตัวติดตั้งทั้งหมดที่อยู่ในโฟลเดอร์ Redist(Online) ที่แนบไปกับตัวเกม จะแก้ไขได้ครับ (จะต้องต่อ Internet ขณะติดตั้งด้วยครับ)

รหัสแตกไฟล์: UpLOadED_Zenion@JokergameTH